My Carrdooooooooooooox
Astraea Esmeray Rivera
18, Ravenclaw, Pureblood, October 31st, 1980.
- About Info -
Nadine Amara Rivera [Mother]
Ronan Kyler Rivera [Father]
Mountain HarePersonality:
Self-confident, Alert, Content, Nervous, Calm, Irritable, and A peace-maker and a trouble-maker, Pioneering, Pathological liar, Remorseless, Intimidating, Good, Apathetic, Over-indulgent, Unflinching, Kind, Strong feelings of entitlement, Open-minded, and A thrill-seeker.Amortentia:
Vanilla Coffee, Animal Fur, Chocolate, Oranges, Watermelon, Mint Ice Cream, Ocean Water, Parchment, InkWells, Charcoal, Honey, and Potions.
Harry Potter [Childhood Friend]
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Ron Weasley
Sheamus Finnagan
Lavender Brown [only for a year]

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"And I want it, I want my life so bad I'm doing everything I can Then another one bites the dust It's hard to lose a chosen one."
Wand Information:
Length: 12 Β½"
Wood Type: Hazel wood
Core: dragon core
Flexibility: slightly springy flexibility
- Backstory/Parent Information -
Mother was a pureblood witch born and raised in the heart of England, and she had been best friends with James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin as she was in the Gryffindor house with them as she had helped them with a lot of pranks while also getting into trouble.Father, was a pureblood witch born and raised in northernmost regions of Norway or Sweden as he had went to Durmstrung for a year and a half before he had moved to England and had went to Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin which he was best friends only with Evans Rosier and Regulus Black.During their third and fourth year they had gotten partnered in a potions project and that had sparked something between the two of them. During their fifth and sixth year they had started dating and had gotten married after the first wizarding war, and had moved to Little Whinging England next to a family who had two boys, one had become my childhood best friend.